Florist's Choice Bouquet

Florist's Choice Bouquet

from £65.00

Our bouquets are created by our talented florists using lush greenery and fresh seasonal flowers in a variety of colours. While we can’t guarantee specific flowers, we’ll happily take any pointers on preferred colours or occasion.

Choose from three sizes:

  • Classic

  • Large

  • Luxury

Each bouquet is wrapped, packed with water for freshness, and features a selection of seasonal flowers, each chosen by our florists.


In order to stay committed to quality (and because we work with Mother Nature) this occasionally may mean we need to make a substitution for color and even flower choice. Please note that while we cannot guarantee the exact color or that the exact flower varieties will be as pictured, we do guarantee that your blooms will be fresh and beautiful as possible.


We offer FREE hand delivery throughout our local neighbourhoods; B30 B29 B13 B14 B17, and use Royal Mail 24 and DPD Tracked service for all other postcodes Nationally.

Or feel free to collect your order from our Bournville store during our opening hours.

All deliveries can be expected between 9-6pm. Please note, unfortunately we cannot guarantee delivery times.

At the moment, we can offer Thursday delivery (order by Wednesday 10am) or Friday delivery (order by Thursday 10am) Orders for collection must be made by Friday 10am. Please get in touch for a special order.

We just want to take the opportunity to thank you for your order, as you are not only helping keep a small independent business alive, but all of our team’s livelihoods intact, not to mention that of our delivery drivers, suppliers, wholesalers, and even growers. Thank you!

T&C’s apply.

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